Luckily I was able to get that demo mode done in only a couple of hours on Friday. šŸ˜Š

The video was not enough, the submission got rejected again. Apple needs to be able to perform a hands-on review, so we ended up adding a demonstration mode that can be activated only with a deliberate action. Also, we have a mechanism to enable/disable the mode remotely in order to use it only for the review purposes and to minimize security risks.

I do not find the app review process to be a burden. It is just that our app has hardened security things, which makes it incompatible with the "normal" review flow. Also, while Apple has the manual review process as their default solution, it is actually more developer-friendly than Google's automatic process. Google's process might take several days before they send system-generated message that the submission was rejected. And when you submit a reply to the rejection, it takes another several days before a human reacts to it. With Apple the reaction time is usually within 24 hoursā€¦

Lovely. Apparently our app review instructions were outdated1 and now Apple cannot review the new submission. Recording a video late in the evening just to get this submission past the review. I could have used this time for something else.

  1. Our app requires an authentication app as well for the reviewer to be able to log in. Now the authentication app's onboarding process requires an SMS-delivered one-time password, which is obviously not delivered to the reviewer but to someone else. A stupid change in another app's flow causes issues with our appā€¦

It was quite an experience to drop both the antiviral and antifugal drops every 2 hours for 3 weeksā€¦

Oh, forgot to mention, the eye infection I had is now gone. There was some fungus that had managed to get to the cornea. Yes, that sounds like an end-of-the-days-with-zombies scenarioā€¦

No, there were examples and references to things that are uniquely ā€™Murican (ā€footballā€, corporate culture, etc.).

First non-fiction book in a long, long time. It was an interesting read but it had also parts that were a bit too much ā€™Murican to my taste.

#bookclub Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit (šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§), ISBN 978-1-847-94624-9

This week wasā€¦ quite a disappointment. First a project, which has given us a ton of pressure to get their desires fulfilled, decided to start sitting on their hands and to not provide any finalizing comment on one of their requests when we actually we would have time to get it done. Then, as the very final thing on Friday before logging out from work it turned out that one VM image on Microsoftā€™s Azure Pipelines does not have the versions of a tool they claim it has, which again effectively blocked our build pipelines.