It's not too troublesome. This is just my first time I write an app that connects to a web service that requires authentication. Took some time to get it right, but now it just works.

Ha! Authentication works. Next up, send an actual post through the app.

That wouldn't surprise me at all. He's that fast. :-)


My fault, obviously. I was holding it wrong. :-)

Now that I tried it again (first login, get account status, logout), the logout returned correctly. Weird.

Ah… Didn't notice that the account object is empty in the second call to /auth/status. But yeah, that logout returns a weird reply in my opinion.

Nope. I used the example in the doc (with curl) just to get familiar with the API.

Just watch this live recording from 23(!) years ago: Normally drummers aren't that heavy-handed.